What is the Building Binational Bridges: A Cross-Border Convening?
The Building Binational Bridges: A Cross-Border Convening is organized by the UCI DREAM Center, and the UCI Center for Liberation Anti-Racism, and Belonging (C-LAB). This initiative aims to bring together U.S. and Mexican participants to discuss immigration, one of the most critical binational issues affecting the U.S. and Mexico.
Activities aim to achieve four learning objectives:
- Discover, remember and (re)write one’s immigration story
- Explore one’s cultural and racial/ethnic identity through cultural exploration sessions
- Build authentic connections with undocumented, returned, and deported immigrants
- Identify avenues for liberation and belonging in the U.S. and Mexico.
Participants of the convening and UCI staff will engage in independent cultural expiration and research in Mexico prior to the convening. During this time they will be engaging in autoethnographic research about their experiences.
Convening Spolights
Featured video from: 2023 Building Binational Bridges: A Cross Border Convening
About our Partners:

UCI Center for Liberation, Anti-Racism & Belonging
The Center for Liberation, Anti-Racism & Belonging (C-LAB) seeks to foster research communities that are grounded in addressing issues related to race, indigeneity and migration. The center intends to do so by identifying research questions, exploring research methodologies and experimenting with diverse publication dissemination methods that bring attention to social injustice and work towards social justice.
Learn more about C-LAB here: https://www.humanities.uci.edu/CLAB

UCI Scholarships Office
The UCI Scholarships Office supports the University of California, Irvine and its diverse, talented, and ambitious student body by cultivating scholarship opportunities to further individual growth and interests that meets the societal needs. Through engagement with students, as well as collaboration with campus and community partners, the Scholarships Unit strives to support access to a world class education.
Learn more about the UCI Scholarships Office here: https://ofas.uci.edu/scholarships/index.php

Otros Dreams en Acción
Otros Dreams en Acción (ODA) es una organización dedicada al apoyo mutuo y la acción política por y para quienes crecieron en Estados Unidos y ahora se encuentran en México debido a la deportación, deportación de un familiar, o amenaza a deportación.
Una ODA es un poema que se debe cantar. Creemos en el poder del arte y de la cultura para ayudarnos a aprender una del otro y para poder contar nuestras historias desde nuestras realidades. Creemos en nuestra potencial como una comunidad para lograr un cambio positivo desde las secuelas de la deportación y el exilio. Creemos en nuestro derecho de estar de nuestros dos países, al pertenecer aquí y allá.
Learn more about Otros Dreams en Acción here: http://www.odamexico.org/

University of California, Alianza MX
A University of California systemwide initiative, Alianza MX:
- Mobilizes talent and funding for research teams from the UC and Mexico that create new knowledge across diverse areas, from STEM to social sciences, the arts and humanities.
- Engages with diverse stakeholders in the US and Mexico to promote action research and innovative solutions for resilient and informed public policies on issues relevant for the bilateral cooperation agenda.
- Fosters a binational workforce by supporting the two-way mobility of students and professors, including those of Latino origin.
Learn more about UC Alianza MX here: https://alianzamx.universityofcalifornia.edu/

The UCI DREAM Center stands with and serves those impacted by immigration policy through advancing systemic change, deconstructing oppressive policies, and fostering community. The DREAM Center works towards personal growth, collective healing, and visible change.
Learn more about the UCI DREAM Center here: https://dream.uci.edu/